1-channel video, color, 4K, 3:21
Realized with the support of:
Autonome Provinz Südtirol - Amt für Deutsche Kultur, Italy
Studio Chérie, Berlin, Germany
Ludwig Kameraverleih, Berlin, Germany
DOP: Christoph Krauss
1 AC: Paul Sonntag
Sound: Roman Strack
Producer: Nicola Herrmann
VFX: Cristiano Cesolari
Colograding: Frank Hellwig
Vocals: Kantorei Passion, Berlin
Cast: Heike Bütow, Lamin Ceesay, Catharina Hanko, Alexander Knörrlein, Ilse Nurith Lopez Alvizio
This short film metaphorically depicts the tragedy of humanity and the destructive consequences of power struggles. A fishbowl, symbolizing the world, is passed between several hands, while three goldfish swim peacefully inside. What starts as a calm exchange grows increasingly aggressive as each person tries to keep the bowl, ultimately causing it to fall.