UNTITLED#1, 2009

Media Façade, Museion - Museum für Moderne und Zeitgenössische Kunst, Bolzano, Italy

1-channel video, HD High speed, 2:50

Concept and direction: Christian Niccoli
Camera: Andreas Steffan
Technical assistant: Christoph Skofic
Music composed and performed by Aritape a.k.a. Arik Hayut
Cast: Christoph Steinicke

Realized with the supported of:
Production grant, Autonome Provinz Südtirol - Amt für Deutsche Kultur, Italy
Weisscam Hispeed Technologies, Munich, Germany
Municipality of Forst-Lausitz, Germany

The video shows a young man's fall. The exact starting point and the exact end of the fall are
not clear. The falling is bedded in a lack of context which on one hand suggests absolute freedom
and boundlessness but on the other hand instability and forlornness.
